Saturday, June 12, 2010

The Wedding Gift

Today is the special occasion of two of my colleagues. I made this cute pair of Jumping Clay figurines for them. Nice? Continue reading if you are interested to do it yourself.

(The finished blessing)
(Rear view)

(Materials: Jumping Clay, clay tools, empty cookie tin, nice wrapping paper suitable for wedding, silver or gold-coloured ribbon, a piece of typing paper which is the not the usual office-white paper on which to write or print any special message, double-sided tape (1 cm width))

1. Use the top of the cookie-cover as the base for the two figurines. I mixed yellow with the original green from the 8-coloured clay pack to get the bright-green colour base.
2. I did the female first - the white body as the base and then the flesh-coloured sphere for the head, followed by the hair. I did a black sphere, pressed it flat into a coin to form the centre part of the hair. The fringe had three long strands twisted to form the Princess Diana 'crown' fringe. Then i did the white head-gear with purple ribbon. It was followed by the hands (medium-long strand, tapered at the end). Then i did the roses.
3. Same thing for the bridegroom - the contrasting black base, followed by the spherical head (rolled until all creases are gone), followed by the black hair, white bow-tie and all the rest.
4. Use two thin strips of double-sided tape and tape the side of the tin. Measure the length and width of the tin and then cut out the required wrapping paper.
5. Use a nice-looking gift ribbon and place it on the wrapping paper after it has covered the tin.
6. Remove any smell of the cookie jar (a day before) by wiping and using whatever knowledge you have about removing odours and smells. You can also put some fragrant soap from any stores selling household products or if you wish to play it cheeky, pop in some condoms ;-)
7. I did spray some transparent varnish on the couple and let it dry before putting on the lid.
8. To complete the blessing, prepare your love-gift of an ang-pow and pop it into the container. If you want to write or type a special wedding message with a spiritual message, then you may want to tie it using a nice ribbon and then give your money separately. (there's no right or wrong putting the ang-pow together with your wedding message into the container).
9. Attend the wedding! Your presence is as important.
10. Have a blessed wedding, Choon Leng and Pauline ;-)

Friday, June 11, 2010

The A-Team !!!


The last of the four legendary martial arts heroes is the rather vertically challenged hero, Man Fook. He took up his weapon of choice, the Nunchaku, made famous by Bruce Lee, when he was only seven. He had said, rather shyly, that the nunchaku made up for his height deficiency, for it can deftly hit its target who is double the height of the lethal weapon.

See the legendary User of the Nunchaku in action:

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Today we introduce Guan Fei, a highly skilled archer. Trained as a fletcher, or someone who makes arrows, he naturally knows much about archery. In fact, he was the 10-time champion of the Imperial Archery Competition held annually in Beijing.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


Enter Long Pao, the ironsmith in Northern Canton who wields the heavy and cumbersome iron balls. Proficient in his fighting skills, Long Pao's balls can demolish any resistance in his way!