The Yuletide season is here and all the penguins in Penguin Adventure Camp are all geared up for Christmas! As the helicopter hovers above the camp, all the penguins are seen to be enjoying different kinds of activties.
These penguins are not very difficult to do! For those staying in Singapore, i am conducting lessons during this holiday season. Do contact me at if you are interested ;-) For all organisations, if you want to organise a special event involving Peguins, i am the definite person to call!
Lessons in the polytechnic that i am lecturing in will be having a break as the students will be having their Mid-Semester Tests. So, i will only be meeting them again in Jan 2012. All the best to all my students.
I am continuing my marketing efforts to make PEAK PARADIGM a well-known Training and People Development Solutions company and of course besides the usual collaterals, printing brochures as well, i am also meeting clients and contacts.
I also signed up to be a fieldworker to document a well-publicised grave in Singapore, the Bukit Brown Cemetery! More on this as the events unfold.