Yes, this is what i experienced so very recently: Trust in God the gifts that He has given me and He will show me what to do with it. He is the Creator so He knows best. He knows my frailties and strengths. So when i entrust Him with my future, and trust that He will lead me to the most personalised way and the 'bestest' way ever, He will deliver and not disappoint.
Striving and self-effort will be the only way to destroy and frustrate God's plan. Flowing with the leading of the Holy Spirit will get me to the plan that He has set for me.
I love you Father, for the work that you are doing in my life.
I love you for speaking to me and,
I love you for showing me your love when i needed the assurance.
I love you for being the comfort when my mother died and
I love you for giving me the strength when sometimes the plethora of circumstances disappoint me.
I love you for the blessings of family.
But most of all -
I love you for YOU ARE THE PERFECT POTTER; and
i am the clay
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