Saturday, December 1, 2012

Faceoff beween King of Pigs and Red Angry Bird

So you think you know a lot about Angry Birds? Here's some interesting facts, from

1.Angry Birds was made by a team of four people and took eight months to finish because it was such a low priority for the company.
2.The game cost less than £70,000 to make.
3.Angry Birds fans include public figures as diverse as David Cameron, Paul Gascoigne, Kylie Minogue, Conan O’Brien and Jon Hamm, Mad Men’s Don Draper.
4.It has sold more than seven million copies on Apple’s iPhone.
5.After the raving red hot game, the Angry Bird Space is launched as a paid version.
6.Rovio Mobile developed more than 50 games, with relatively little success, before finally striking gold with Angry Birds.
7.The Angry Birds beta for Android hit more than one million downloads in three weeks.
8.Twenty different Angry Birds toys will be released early in 2011.
9.Peter Vesterbacka, Rovio's official spokesman, has the job title 'Mighty Eagle’.
10.Speaking of unusual titles, one of Rovio's game testers was nicknamed the 'Rovio Killer' because he was so bad at their games.

It's one the games which i consider highly innovative!

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