Wednesday, February 15, 2012

2012: The Pursuit of Excellence Continues

According to the Lunar Calendar, this is the Dragon Year and it is known to be a Water Dragon. How will the story of this year unfold? There will be challenges, as local, regional and global leaders predict
but the pursuit of excellence continues. Passion in a hobby should not be restricted or limited by the environment. right? In any case, there are more varieties of air-dry clay surfacing in the market. They are much cheaper now and that's GREAT news!

After teaching air-dry clay for a number of years, i have finally decided to go back to traditional earth clay and learn sculpture. Sculpture is quite different from drawing and it really requires some unlearning. So far, i have attended 5 to 6 lessons and they are fulfilling! I have also learnt mould-casting using plaster. And i am still learning!

Here's the first project - the earth clay version of my side profile. More pictures coming in the next post!