Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Varnish your Jumping Clay

From experience, i have discovered that the Jumping Clay from Korea may gather mould (mildew) if put in an environment where humidity is high. This perfectly describes Singapore weather. Take a look at the penguins which i did about two to three years ago. They have gathered mould
This pair here, standing on top of an igloo, has been wiped. The lesson to learn is to spray CLEAR varnish on it. There are many brands in the market. Spray a layer, in a well-ventilated area, then leave it to self-dry, then spray another coat, taking care not to spray too close or the coating of varnish on that spot will be thicker than the rest. Then, after about 12 hours, the figurine will be protected from all manner of weathering. I will show you some varnishes in the next post.

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